Clean Water Blog
Oxygen is a water treatment program for residential pools that uses oxygen-based products instead of chlorine to continuously oxidize contaminants in the water. The program is used with your existing pump and filter system.
If your dealer is not an Oxygen Pools Authorized Dealer, they are not trained in how an Oxygen Pool works. So naturally, their reaction will be that only chlorine works because that’s all they’ve known. Although the technologies used in our system have been used for decades in drinking water and wastewater treatment, only Oxygen Pools has made oxygen based water treatment affordable for residential swimming pools!
Saltwater pools are almost universally considered to be nonchlorine pools. In fact, these pools contain extremely high chlorine levels. Users of these salt systems seem to think that somehow common salt is a disinfectant that does not use chlorine.
Cryptosporidium is difficult to battle because it is highly resistant to chlorine. It is the leading cause of waterborne diseases for people in the U.S. – Service Industry News 9-30-16
Any water treatment program for swimming pools has one objective: to mitigate the growth of bacteria, algae, and waterborne viruses in the water. This has traditionally been accomplished through the regular addition of chlorine and other chemical agents that eliminate organics from the water. However, there has been rising demand from pool owners for a gentler, less toxic method to accomplish this.
Even city water systems are utilizing the benefits of oxygenation systems for their residents. The public water system improvements described in the article below describes most of the elements used in the Oxygen Pools program.
With all the hype, half-truths and outright lying that we see about alternative water treatment in swimming pools, we thought it would be helpful to explain our test data about all the options available to treat pool water, how they work and if they work.
There are two primary claims made regarding the application of magnetic water treatment: scale reduction, and water clarity. In a swimming pool environment, our fundamental interest in magnetics was to see if it would reduce calcium buildup in salt cells and along the water line of the pool.
Mineral systems and ionization systems use metals, primarily copper, to reduce chlorine usage and prevent algae growth in pools. Copper is an effective algaecide and has some properties as a bactericide that makes it helpful with sanitation. Other metals sometimes are used in addition to copper such as silver.
Ultraviolet light has been used for years by surgeons to sterilize their equipment and is now being used in HVAC ductwork to purify air quality moving through the home. Unfortunately, we did not find Ultraviolet water treatment system to be cost effective in sterilizing residential swimming pool water.
By far the most commonly used alternative to straight chlorine chemical pools are saltwater pool systems.
If you already own a salt generator, you know that first, hundreds of pounds of salt must be added to the pool, and you will need to keep the salt level up to make sure the system works correctly
After eliminating the technologies that did not meet nominal requirements, we developed an alternative that does, in fact, allow any pool owner to use an oxygen-based technology at a reasonable price. If you’re like most pool owners, you want to make sure your water is safe and fresh but don’t want to pay a huge premium for the privilege
Shocking the pool water will burn off additional contaminants deposited in the water through rains, winds and organic bather waste. Formula "O" is an EPA registered, nonchlorine, blended powder that is added to the water weekly. The Formula combines most of the typical ancillary chemicals (shock, algaecide, clarifier and other proprietary problem solvers) into one