Do I need special equipment for the Oxygen Pools system?
The pump must be at least 3/4 horse power to activate the Oxygen Pools generator. Oxygen Pools will work with any filter system.
The pump must be at least 3/4 horse power to activate the Oxygen Pools generator. Oxygen Pools will work with any filter system.
Formula O should be broadcast evenly across the surface of the pool. Do not add it to the skimmer.
If the generator gets too hot it will shut off for short periods to cool down. Continue to run the generator 12/hr a day. This does not effect the designed output of the generator.
Add an extra dose of Formula O and run the generator 48 hours continuously.
Many Intex pools do not come with a pump strong enough for the Oxygen Pools system. The Oxygen Pools system requires at least a 3/4hp pump to activate the generator.
No. Intex pools use metric fittings and will not attach to the Oxygen Generator fittings.
The pump must be at least 3/4 horse power to activate the Oxygen Pools generator.
Green light on the bottom of the generator will be on.
Adjust the size of the bubble by twisting the ball valve until you see small champagne bubbles like the video below.
Oxygen Pools requires 1lb of Formula O per 10,000 gallons of pool water once a week. When opening, closing or shocking the water requires a double dose.